Microsoft Office Word Shorcut Keys 2003 2007 2010
Microsoft Office Word Shorcut Keys 2003 2007 2010
Microsoft office Word Shortcut Keys:
CTRL + A Selects all text in current document
CTRL + B BOLD highlighted textCTRL + I ITALICIZE highlighted text
CTRL + U UNDERLINE highlighted text
CTRL + X Cuts (deletes) all highlighted text
CTRL + C Copies all highlighted text to the Windows clipboard
CTRL + V Pastes contents of Windows clipboard into current document at cursor position
CTRL + K Insert hyperlink
CTRL + P Displays the print dialogue
CTRL + Z Undo last action
CTRL + Y Repeat last action
CTRL + F Displays Microsoft Word�s Find dialogue
SHIFT + F4 Repeat most recent Find command
CTRL + K Insert hyperlink
CTRL + L Left justifies current line or highlighted text
CTRL + E Center justifies current line or highlighted text
CTRL + R Right justifies current line or highlighted text
SHIFT + F3 Changes case of highlighted text
CTRL + N Opens new blank document
CTRL + P Displays the print dialogue
CTRL + SHIFT + F Displays the font properties dialogue
CTRL + SHIFT + > Increase highlighted text font size incrementally
CTRL + SHIFT + < Decrease highlighted text font size incrementally
CTRL + ] Increase highlighted text font size incrementally
CTRL + [ Decrease highlighted text font size incrementally
CTRL + SHIFT + * Toggles display of non-printing characters
CTRL + UP ARROW Positions cursor at beginning of current paragraph
CTRL + DOWN ARROW Positions cursor at end of current paragraph
CTRL + M Indent current paragraph
CTRL + DEL Deletes word to right of cursor
CTRL + BACKSPACE Deletes word to left of cursor
CTRL + SPACEBAR Resets highlighted text to default font
CTRL + 1 Spaces current line or highlighted text using single line spacing
CTRL + 5 Spaces current line or highlighted text using 1.5 line spacing
CTRL + 2 Spaces current line or highlighted text using double line spacing
CTRL + ALT + 1 Formats highlighted text to Heading 1
CTRL + ALT + 2 Formats highlighted text to Heading 2
CTRL + ALT + 3 Formats highlighted text to Heading 3
F4 Repeat last action (Microsoft Office 2000 or higher only)
F5 Opens Go To dialogue
SHIFT F5 Jump to previous edit point in document
F7 Spell check entire document or only highlighted text
SHIFT + F7 Opens the Thesaurus dialogue
F8 Turns on Selection Mode. Use any Word feature to add to selection or F8 to increase selection by word, sentence, paragraph or document
F12 Opens the Save Document As dialogue
SHIFT + F12 Saves current document
CTRL + F6 Rotate through open documents
ALT + F6 Toggle between open documents and program dialogues
ALT + Mouse click Opens the Research Panel (if installed) showing information about current word or selection
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